Do you have significant cash and assets to manage, or just savings, even few, to preserve? You may have wondered how to do it best.

Nowadays, financial matters are very technical and certainly require an in-depth knowledge of the sector. The question of whether or not to invest, and how to do it, deserves a tailored answer, as many aspects – all strongly linked to your situation as an individual or entrepreneur – need to be taken into account. Spending targets and planned choices for the future are the starting point to establish a successful financial strategy.

For this reason, knowing the financial market is the first step, and relying on experienced financial advisors protects you from risky investments. Trusting professionals who can provide you with specific advice and follow your particular financial situation over time is a guarantee! In this way, you can find the most profitable tool for you and for your future projects.

There are many cases for which an informed management approach and the use of experts in the field is recommended – such as foreseeing an upcoming generational turnover, selling a business branch, or inheriting a big amount. The web provides a lot of material, showing so many pieces of advice and tools on financial matters that you may think you can do it on your own. Which could be indeed easy if you are going to invest in a single financial instrument; but which one is the best financial instrument? According to the Assogestione Underwriter Observatory, there are 11.5 million investors in Italy with an average investment of EUR 45,000.00 in mutual funds. This represents the current trend for anyone with a minimum of financial education. But what other options are available?

Some may be quite complicated if they involve several instruments. The capital market includes stocks, bonds, EFTs, all options on which Italians are likely to invest because they hope to increase their income. Indeed, 41% of the population opt for this solution, but if on the one hand the trigger for that lies in a greater financial security, on the other hand almost 30% of Italians do not invest due to lack of knowledge, and the same percentage because they believe it is too risky.

Diversification remains the best option for the growth of your assets and greater financial security.